Based on the meaningful pro bono work that SeniorLAW Center provides for lawyers around the community, Andrew Fisher, volunteer for SeniorLAW Center and deputy general counsel of COMCAST, was asked to author the May 2019 “Pro Bono Spotlight” in the Philadelphia Bar Reporter. Andrew’s article, entitled “AARP Partnership Opens Opportunities to Help Seniors,” describes his work with SeniorLAW Center on reverse mortgage legal issues. SeniorLAW Center is proud of the work we do to save homes through our Homeonwers Rights Program and are grateful to our pro bono teams for their leadership in our work. Nearly 100,000 loans that allowed senior citizens to tap into their home equity have failed, surprising elderly borrowers and their families and bringing down property values in their neighborhoods. For more information on the reverse mortgage crisis plaguing Philadelphia’s seniors, watch USA Today’s investigative video featuring the work of the SeniorLAW Center. If you are interested in getting involved in the work of the SeniorLAW Center, please contact Renee Chenault Fattah.
To read the full article, click here.
To read more about our pro bono project with AARP, click here.