The annual awards recognize persons and organizations that affirm the dignity and potential of older people; encourage older people to make their voices heard and to contribute to their communities; have a record of continuous service to older people; and use creativity in uncovering new solutions to problems involving an aging population.
The 2011 Reigel Award Recipients are: Elizabeth (Beth Shay) for her commitment and dedication as a tireless advocate for consumers in her role as Homeowners Assistance Program Coordinator/Attorney for the SeniorLAW Center and as an asset for housing counselors and others who work on behalf of older adults facing financial crisis and mortgage foreclosure.
SeniorLAW Center was represented by its Executive Director, Karen Buck and Board Chair, Ronald Schaffer. SeniorLAW, since its founding in 1978, has provided free legal representation to more than 50,000 older adults focusing on the most vital and recurring legal issues facing them.
The 2011 Distinguished Service Award Recipient Shirley Preston – A CIP Board Member and Officer since 2004 who has utilized her skills honed as a former banking executive, in corporate philanthropy, to assist the Center’s resource development efforts, particularly in soliciting individual gifts and creating and implementing signature special events.