SeniorLAW Center

End of Life Planning Article featuring Client Intake Director Joanna Jarzebowska in the Philadelphia Inquirer

End of life planning could be one of the most important topics as we are in the middle of a pandemic, continued racial injustices across our nation, and older people are still at the epicenter of it all.

Thinking about our own mortality is never comfortable, but it is important to plan what you want to happen after you die. And having a last will and testament is an important step.

“Wills are a great tool to make sure your property goes to the individuals that you want after you pass away,” says Joanna Jarzebowska, director of client intake for the SeniorLAW Center, a non-profit legal services agency that serves Philadelphia area seniors. “In a will, you can choose exactly who you want to inherit your property.”

Read the full article here.