SeniorLAW Center

Joanna Jarzebowsa, Esq. for 10 years of exceptional service

SeniorLAW Center would like to congratulate staff member Joanna Jarzebowska (JJ), Esq. for 10 years of exceptional service.  From Temple Conwell Fellow to Staff Attorney to HelpLine Coordinator to Director of Client Intake, she has been a superb advocate and colleague described by our team and partners as “brilliant” “patient” “compassionate” “a joy to work with”. Congratulations to her on this milestone and we look forward to celebrating additional milestones with her in the years to come.

It has been a privilege to work for such a truly amazing organization these past ten years and counting.  I am excited and honored to be part of SeniorLAW Center’s growth that has happened since- we have almost tripled in size, expanded the services we provide and most importantly helped thousands of seniors in the process – and for the positive growth yet to come.“ – Joanna Jarzebowska, Esq.