SeniorLAW Center

Please Support SeniorLAW Center on #Giving Tuesday

First Black Friday, Then Cyber Monday, Now Giving Tuesday

This year, on Tuesday, December 3, 2013, SeniorLAW Center is part of a call to action that will change the calendar and help make history. We are celebrating a day dedicated to giving ‐‐ when charities, families, businesses, community centers, students, retailers and more will all come together for #GivingTuesday – a movement to celebrate giving and encourage more, better and smarter giving during the Holiday Season.

#GivingTuesday is a day of giving around the annual shopping and spending season ‐‐giving’s “opening day.” We invite you to be part of this celebration. #GivingTuesday will show how the world can do much more with our wallets than just consume.

SeniorLAW Center provides a wide range of services – representation, education, advocacy – all aimed at protecting the legal rights and interests of Pennsylvania’s elders.  I invite you to participate in #Giving Tuesday by contributing to the important work of SeniorLAW Center on December 3, 2013.  Make a gift in honor of a grandparent, parent or another elder who made a difference in your life.              

You can make a tax deductible donation by CLICKING HERE