SLC’s inaugural Grandparents Justice Advisory Council meeting was held last month, and it was a powerful gathering as members shared their lived experiences and unique journeys to help inform our advocacy and legal services for their community. The Council is comprised of former clients of the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (GRG) project, and community members who are raising grandchildren in Philadelphia. The Council was formed to advise SeniorLAW Center of ongoing barriers to justice and raise the visibility of the program and services.
The Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Program’s Supervising Attorney, Heather Kelly, shared “It was a pleasure listening to our grandparents discuss how we can raise the visibility of GRG. Their stories and insights are a powerful reminder that we need to continue to work to meet the needs of all grandparents raising grandchildren.”
“Instant friendships formed at the Grandparents Council. Informative information sharing as well as members offering support to each other as they shared their stories. I am eager to partake in and contribute to the council.” – Peggy Haley, former SeniorLAW Center client and current member of the SLC Grandparents Justice Advisory Council.
We express our gratitude to the William Penn Foundation for supporting this important work and to the members of the Council whose voices we strive to uplift and honor each day. We could not advocate and support grandparents raising grandchildren without all our SeniorLAW Center supporters and advocates.