SeniorLAW Center

The Best Advice for Estate Planning? Do It Now, Says SeniorLAW Center

DEC. 7—For older people, the most secure way to pass your legacy on to your family is to get ahead in your estate planning—or ‘life planning’ as Executive Director Karen Buck calls it.

“We call it life planning, not estate planning, because we encourage everyone, particularly older people, to be thinking about planning for their lives, their financial well-being, their health care and their decision making, especially when they’re able to make their own decisions,” says Karen.

Karen, along with Kathy Ochroch from our partners at Blank Rome LLP. stresses the importance of timely and thorough life planning for older people, not only as a way to secure a legacy, but also to ensure the transfer of generational wealth through homeownership.

To read more on the strategic advice we give on setting your affairs in order, please visit the article published by the Philadelphia Corporation for Aging here.