Are you or is someone you know raising a grandchild, great-grandchild or other minor relative child? Thousands of seniors in Pennsylvania and around the U.S. are stepping in when birth parents cannot to raise relative kids through kinship care. Kinship Care is defined as the full-time care, nurturing and protection of children by relatives, members of their tribes or clans, godparents, stepparents, or any adult who has a kinship bond with a child. Research shows that kids flourish in kinship care in the loving homes of family (kin) vs. foster care: they do better in school, have less behavioral problems and more frequently report “feeling loved.”
- Provide direct legal representation to eligible older adults who are or want to be kinship caretakers in both Dependency Court (when abuse or neglect and the child welfare system is involved) and Domestic Relations Court.
- Provide legal advice, information and referral regarding kinship care issues
- Provide advice, information and referrals to resources and supports that can be of assistance to those providing care.
- Advocate for systemic changes to improve kinship caregivers’ lives and protect their rights.
- Community outreach events and trainings regarding Kinship Care issues.