SeniorLAW Center joined legal services colleagues and others testifying before Philadelphia City Council to bring public awareness to the Landlord/Tenant Crisis in Philadelphia, addressing the plight of senior tenants in our City.
City Council members heard testimony Monday that many of the thousands of evictions in Philadelphia, each year could be avoided if the tenants had legal representation. SeniorLAW Center client William Church is a 65-year-old Marine Corps veteran with serious health problems and a landlord, he says, who has ignored deplorable conditions in the property, exacerbating Mr. Church’s health issues. 92% of tenants go unrepresented in each year in Philadelphia’s Landlord/Tenant Court. SeniorLAW Center Project Director Cateria R. McCabe, Esq., recently represented Mr. Church in his landlord/tenant matter. SeniorLAW Center has also provided him with support and referrals to help him through this very difficult ordeal. At the hearing on Monday, Mr. Church testified about the substandard conditions in his apartment which included sweeping snow from his bedroom, bugs, and more. His testimony is here. Watch his testimony here.
City Council Members Maria Quinones-Sanchez and Helen Gym led the charge by holding the hearing to address the eviction crisis in Philadelphia. Testimony from various stakeholders (who spearheaded getting funding for pro bono counsel at all Landlord/Tenant hearings in NYC), proved that public policy changes are needed. Read more about the Landlord/Tenant hearings here.